Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Characteristics of Breast Cancer

Characteristics of Breast Cancer - How to Prevent Breast Cancer and How to Treat Breast Cancer Naturally. Symptoms of breast cancer and the following Characteristics And Symptoms of Breast Cancer. Characteristic feature of Breast Cancer and How To Prevent Breast Cancer - As the name implies, breast cancer is a disease caused by the growth of cancer cells in the breast area

This disease mostly affects women, but men can also be affected. Characteristic feature of breast cancer is a type of cancer with the second highest number of sufferers in the world.

While the death rate, the type of cancer caused the death of the fifth largest in the world.

Early signs of breast cancer is the discovery of a lump in the breast that feels different. If pressed, the lump is not painful. Initially these bumps are small, but gradually enlarged and finally attached to the skin or cause changes in the skin of the breast or nipple.

Here among other things you should note that the symptoms of breast cancer:

a lump in your breast change shape / size
breast skin changes color: from pink to brown to orange peel
nipples get into (retraction)
one of your nipples suddenly loose / missing
when the tumor is large, the pain appeared relapsing-remitting
Breast skin feels like burning
breast bleed or other fluids, but you do not breastfeed
Signs of breast cancer is the most obvious is the presence of ulcers (ulcers) in the breast. Over time, these ulcers will become increasingly large and deep so as to destroy the whole breast. Other symptoms are often foul-smelling breast and bleed easily.

As for the symptoms of advanced breast cancer, the following is an excerpt from Wikipedia:

Advanced breast cancer is very easily recognized by knowing operbilitas Heagensen the following criteria:
there is extensive edema in the skin of the breast (1/3 wider breast skin);
satellite nodules in the skin of the breast;
Breast cancer is the type of mastitis karsinimatosa;
There parasternal models;
There supraclavicular nodes;
arm edema;
the presence of distant metastases;
and there are two of the signs of locally advanced, namely skin ulceration, skin edema, skin fixed to the chest wall, axillary lymph node of 2.5 cm diameter, and axillary lymph nodes that are attached to each other.

A number of signs at the top is indeed a characteristic of breast cancer. However, if you experience one or more of the above, you are not necessarily suffering from breast cancer. Try to consult your doctor to do a test and mammography. Later the doctor will analyze mammograms generated and provide suggestions for you.

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