Friday, October 10, 2014

the handling of stroke

Stroke is a brain attached or "brain attack" that can lead to paralysis or even death. Strokes caused by blood supply to the brain is disrupted. When blood flow to the brain is blocked, the nerve cells do not get oxygen and nutrients. As a result, the function of brain cells will suffer permanent damage. Along with increasing stress levels, plus physical activity changes, stroke is often suffered by those who are young. Stroke is still a major cause of death and disability worldwide.
If having a stroke, immediate examination to determine whether the cause of blood clots or bleeding that can not be overcome with medication destroyer blood clot.
In principle stroke treatment should be rapid, precise and accurate. Before three hours, it must make it clear what kind of stroke it. That way, it can be done medically actions.

* If there is a person affected by stroke, immediately take him to a hospital that is capable of handling a. That is, the hospital must have the expertise and equipment to perform the action.

* If the stroke occurs when people are in areas far from hospitals and health facilities are adequate, then had to be handled on an emergency basis. Do the following:

1. Lay the patient with the head of the bed 30 degrees. Seen whether or not vomiting. If vomiting then the possibility of rupture of blood vessels. Seen also breathing whether smoothly or not. If you want to throw up the stroke patient's head slightly tilted position, so that vomit can come out and not interfere with the respiratory tract.

2. After that immediately contact your doctor to give first aid.

  Treatment of stroke patients are specifically given to the type of the stroke, the ischemic stroke and haemorrhagic stroke.

    1.  ischemic stroke
The principle of treatment of ischemic stroke is to limit infarct area by increasing blood perfusion to the brain, to treat diseases that cause stroke and prevent brain edema. In the management of this specific nature, usually a physician seeks to suggest some drug therapies that act. These drugs are as follows:
- Drug antitrombolitik R-tPA and urokinase were administered intravenously. This drug is used to destroy the thrombus-thrombus in the blood vessels of the brain. This drug is used to prevent thrombus that will narrow the vessel lumen.
- Anticoagulant drugs which serves to prevent blood clots and thrombus embolization, such as heparin, coumarin, oral dicomarol. The drug is primarily given to stroke patients who experience cardiac abnormalities. Side effects of these drugs may occur thrombocytopenia can cause bleeding and should dilakuakn control platelet count every day.
- Drugs that serves as a neuroprotective or protect the organs of the brain that inhibit the excessive influx of calcium into brain cells.
- Glutamate antagonists that work on glutamate receptor glycine binding.
- Drugs that function to prevent damage to brain cell membranes.

     2. haemorrhagic stroke

In patients with bleeding strokes conservative therapy is drug therapy and surgery. The purpose of surgery is to remove, stop and prevent bleeding that occurs in the blood vessels of the brain. Surgery is performed when the first 24-48 hours of stage 1 and 2 Surgical treatment will be delayed in the event of vasospasm (shrinking) blood vessels causes brain surgery will further aggravate the patient's condition.

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