Friday, October 24, 2014

Best nutrients for the body

In order to function optimally, the body needs complete nutrition. Food is a supplier of nutrients for the body. Based on the function, food can be grouped into carbohydrates, proteins, fats, vitamins, minerals, and fiber. Too much food with proper nutrition can not make excessive weight and cause various diseases. How many servings of recommended foods? Here's a description of how the right portion of the body and its functions and the recommended foods.


Carbohydrates serve as the main energy source for the body to perform various activities. On average, each 1 gram of carbohydrate will yield 4 calories. Needs of the average human will as many as 1200-2000 calories are calories. Calories obtained from carbohydrates is recommended by 45% -60% of the total caloric needs. However, the current average Indonesian population consumes 70% -80% carbohydrates. Consuming excess carbohydrates that are not used will be stored as fat. Learn more about the calories can be read on the following article: Calculate the calories of your body.

In carbohydrates can be obtained Glikemin index numbers (IG). This figure shows the content of which can increase blood sugar levels. The higher the GI number, then the food will raise blood sugar faster. While on carbohydrates with a low GI number will give a sense of satiety for longer so as to prevent a sense of wanting to eat. Examples of carbohydrates with a high GI are bread, corn and potatoes. Meanwhile, with a low GI carbohydrates are oatmeal and brown rice.


Protein serves as a useful component for growth, wound healing, cell regeneration, produce enzymes and hormones to the body's metabolism as well as an energy source. Protein deficiency impair growth, cause bone loss and hair loss.

Protein can be obtained from animals or from plants. Protein derived from animals is called animal protein, such as meat, milk or eggs. While proteins from plants called vegetable protein contained in beans. Animal protein contains more essential amino acids than vegetable protein.

The weight of protein in the body about 1/6 of a person's weight. Protein is the second largest component of the human body after water. Every day, the human need for calories is as much as 1 gram for every 1 kg of weight of a person. On average 1 gram of protein will produce 4 calories.

In order to obtain maximal protein, avoid cooking with high temperatures and use a lot of oil because it will damage the protein. It is recommended to process protein foods by baking or steaming.


Fats serve as energy reserves and to protect organs. The need for an adequate fat is useful for maintaining healthy skin, hair, maintaining body temperature, dissolving vitamins A, D, E, K, and help your metabolism run well. One gram of fat can yield about 90 calories. Fat should be filled about 20% -30% of the total caloric needs.

Fats are divided into two, namely:

     Good Fat
     Ie unsaturated fats (unsaturated fat) commonly found in nuts, salmon, walnuts and avocados. Good fats contain Omega 3 acids are useful for maintaining heart health, lower blood pressure and prevent coronary heart disease.
     fat Evil
     That Saturated fat (saturated fat) and trans fat (trans fat) found in meat, offal or fried foods. Excess bad fats increase total cholesterol and LDL cholesterol in the blood. High cholesterol can lead to heart penyaklit, high blood pressure and trigger diabetes.

Consumption of fat in a day should not exceed 35% of total daily caloric needs and to be useful, must be consumed fat good fats (unsaturated fats).

Vitamins and Minerals

Vitamins and minerals bergungsi to organize and support various processes that occur in the body. For example, the process of formation of energy or thought processes. Vitamins and minerals are abundant in fruits and vegetables. One serving of fruit mennghasilkan about 40 calories. It is recommended that daily consumption of 5-9 servings of fruit do. Fruits and vegetables can also provide fiber.


Fiber primarily serves the digestive process and keep the body healthy by eating fiber food. The fiber found in many fruits, vegetables, nuts and Cereal. Some examples of high fiber fruits are papaya, soursop, apples and oranges. In vegetables, lots of fiber found in beans, brokolim carrots, bean sprouts, and kale with a content of 2-5 grams per 100 grams. On the nuts and Cereal, fiber terkandungnya much as 4-10 grams per 100 grams.

The main function of fiber include:

     Smooth bowel movement that will prevent constipation and hemorrhoids.
     Making food that is not absorbed in the intestine can be removed immediately, thereby reducing the possibility of absorption of toxins from food scraps that are not absorbed.
     Maintain ideal weight remains due to the nature of fiber which can prevent the absorption of fat and gives a sense of fullness that will help the desire to consume food.
     Keeping cholesterol and blood sugar at a steady rate. The stability of cholesterol and blood sugar can prevent many dangerous diseases such as diabetes or heart disease.

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