Tuesday, October 7, 2014

The efficacy of Noni

Noni Morinda citrifolia has the Latin name and included in the family Rubiaceae. Some areas in Indonesia have a variety of designations for noni. Among Pace, kemudu, Kudu (Java); Cangkudu (Sunda), Kodhuk (Madura), Wengkudu (Bali) and many more. Unripe noni fruit is usually used to mix salad. Temporary ripe fruit is used for treatment.
some of the benefits of noni is:

1 Overcoming Hypertension
High blood pressure can be treated with noni fruit concoction. How, provide 2 Noni fruit that has been cooked in a tree and 1 tablespoon of honey. Noni is squeezed to take water, then mixed with honey. This herb is taken twice a day.

2. Cure Cough
Other benefits of the noni fruit is a treat coughs. The trick is to make a potion that consists of 1 ½ handheld noni fruit and leaves poo (bujanggut). These two ingredients are boiled with 2 cups of water until remaining 1 glass. Strain water, then drink two times a day every morning and afternoon.

3 To restore PMS (Premenstrual Syndrome)
Women are more sensitive and vulnerable upset when before menstruation due to hormonal changes can be minimized by Noni which has active compounds that help calm the emotions so that you do not experience mood changes that are too high. Based on the research indicates that noni may help restore some diseases including overcoming menstrual syndrome.

4 Accelerate blood circulation and to widen the blood vessels that are narrowed by substance scopoletin contained in Noni. These substances also can kill some bacteria variants, as well as anti-allergic nature.

5. Stomach Pain Medication
The efficacy of Noni followed was as upset stomach. If you or a family affected by abdominal pain, take only 2-3 leaves of Morinda citrifolia. Once washed, then ground finely, add salt and poured boiling hot water. After a cold, filtered water and drink.

6 Treating Jaundice
Materials required are 2 Noni fruit that has been cooked in a tree and 1 piece of sugar cubes. How to make it, noni fruit is squeezed to take water, then mixed with honey until evenly distributed. Filtered water, drink and repeated 2 days.

7 For healthy hair and skin
Noni fruit is useful in maintaining the condition of the hair and skin. For those of you who want to keep the skin firm and durable rubbing with peeled and rinsed noni while scalp is to rub on the scalp.

8. Noni also proven to fight cancer or abnormal cells through anti-cancer substances contained in the fruit.

9 Can help increase endurance.

10 Noni can help reduce pain.

11 To help maintain bone health
Noni has efficacy for patients with osteoporosis because kapril acids, methyl acetyl, Morindin, morindone, morindadiol and sorandiyiol that can improve bone strength. For women aged 40-50 have a high likelihood of bone loss. Consuming noni juice regularly will help you in maintaining bone health. For those of you who are not familiar can consume noni fruit processed in pill form.

12. diseases in the body: Diabetes, chronic hepatitis, pelvic pain, headache, impaired renal function, bladder stones, disorders of the thyroid hormone.

13. Ageless: Noni juice can be used as a tonic to overcome the wrinkles due to aging.

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