Friday, August 7, 2015

Ways to make your skin healthy

The primary step to keeping your skin healthy is preventing damage. Pollutants, air, sun as well as by just natural aging can certainly mortify the form of your skin. Frequent grumbles incorporate dry along with itchy skin, sagging, wrinkles, color alterations, together with age spots. Luckily, there are various methods that you can readily apply in order to maintain a healthy skin, feeling and looking at its most excellent appearance.

Keeping yourself fit, having enough rest, as well as getting healthy diet can set the basis for fine-looking and vigorous complexion. Moreover, a proper diet is not only the excellent way in attaining good health in general but it as well assists you to guarantee that your skin will get all of the vitamins and minerals, along with the nutrients that it requires to preserve and fix itself.

Another way to keep your skin healthy is to apply the right skin care products to your skin. The best anti aging skincare products that can aid you to hydrate the skin are now available at your favorite skin care product store online. Having a clean skin by using the best skin cleanser is also a great way of preventing skin damages.

One of the most essential ways to protect your skin is to keep it away from the harmful rays of the sun. Ultraviolet radiation harms the skin as well as it can result to wrinkles, premature aging, age spots or even cancer as well. An individual should really get further preventative measures in order to be certain that his or her skin is not totally exposed under the harmful rays of the sun. Do not fail to remember that one should apply a natural sunscreen, or a moisturizer that includes sunscreen (with minimum of SPF 15) every day. Although, it does not mean that you should not go out at all during the day, as if you are like a nocturnal creature. Your skin also needs some sunlight every day. A 10 to 15 exposures at sunrise or sunset will be alright.

In addition to that, a variety of fine skin care products such as an all natural moisturizer is one of the essential components for a vigorous complexity. Keep on moisturizing all through the day to keep your sensitive skin vigorous. Your hands as well as your face is especially vulnerable to everyday dent, and might require it to be moisturized further.

Source :

Thursday, August 6, 2015

The Best Natural Cure for GERD - 3 Simple Things You Can Do

Gastroesophageal reflux disease or GERD as it is sometimes known is a painful problem for all of those that suffer from it. Medicated treatments can be prescribed by the doctor but sometimes a natural cure for GERD should be called upon as these medicated or synthetic treatments are only meant to be used for a short period of time and long term usage is not recommended.
Aside from this, prescription drugs can carry with them the risks of unwanted and adverse side effects or have a negative effect on other medication that you may be taking.
When thinking of a natural cure for GERD, you will notice that there are a lot of wives tales and reported things that you can adapt into your diet and lifestyle and while some of them may work, a few of them do not, so working out the best one can be a problem.
There are three main things that you should try to do to treat your GERD in a natural manner and these are as follows:
1. If you know that eating a certain food product will give you heartburn or increase the GERD symptoms, do not eat it. If your favourite food is cheese flavoured potato chips and they make the symptoms of GERD more painful.
This is a lot to do with common sense yet so many people do not recognise this. Noticing which foods have the worse effects can ensure that by avoiding them, the risks of GERD are lessened as are the symptoms that follow them.
2. If you are already feeling the symptoms of GERD a natural cure for GERD that you can call upon is chamomile. This can be in the form of tea which is cheap to buy and easy to make and by drinking this, it can massively reduce the pain that you may be feeling.
Peppermint is another great one and by having a packet of mints on you at all times, you can pop one in your mouth whenever you are feeling the symptoms and this help to eliminate them or at least reduce them.
3. Never go to bed within a couple of hours of eating and if you notice that you tend to get GERD symptoms when you go to bed, try and raise your head by a few inches. This could be in the manner of setting another pillow on top of the ones that you already have and although this may be uncomfortable at first, you will soon get used to it especially when you realise the properties this simple and natural cure for GERD can have on the symptoms.
Even better than this is to raise your upper body by about six inches as well as the head and the gravity will help to keep the acid down rather than moving up.
Finding a natural cure for GERD and the symptoms it brings does not need to be a difficult process and as long as you are willing to make a few small changes you can ensure that the symptoms are reduced and the pain lessened.

reference  :

What Is a Good Treatment for GERD?

GERD or gastroesophageal reflux disease is a disorder of the digestive system and will affect the usual functioning of the lower esophageal sphincter or LES. GERD makes the LES relaxed and have the abdomen produce acidic fluids to flow into the esophagus. The fluids cause damage the lining and will result to typical symptoms like burning chest and nausea.
Anyone can acquire GERD and it can be mild or painful. If symptoms persist, it may lead to more serious problems. The disorder should be stopped by changing your lifestyle. Or you can have a doctor prescribe you some medication. Proper treatment should have the disorder fixed, while you can start living happier and healthier. Certainly, you will want to know the treatment for GERD.
Be aware of the food you eat
You can begin the treatment of GERD by being conscious of the foods you take. It should be something that strengthens the LES. Chocolates, candies, coffee and fatty foods should be avoided to reduce possibilities of GERD. Avoid ingesting citrus fruits and juices, pepper consumption and tomato products as these harm the esophageal lining and should cause GERD.
If you prefer some treatment for GERD, you will need to reduce a portion of your meal to control the GERD symptoms. If you overeat, it will enhance more production of acidic fluids in the abdomen. If you take your meals especially at night, ensure you have eaten right to eliminate risk of GERD. Note that metabolism is slower when you sleep, so you must have a gap of 2 to 3 hours between mealtime and bedtime.
Smoking and alcoholic beverages
These vices will make you acquire symptoms of GERD. The LES is weakened making it relaxed. It will not function to guard the reflux as expected. If you want to stay healthy and keep the disorder from affecting you, you need to quit smoking and taking alcohol. It should reduce GERD symptoms.
Providing a better sleep
If you opt for a treatment of GERD, you need to improve your sleeping habits. Have your head elevated with pillows. If you have a specially designed bed, elevate the head of the bed or raise the cot. Having your head to a desired height should reduce the symptoms; and therefore minimize the flow of acids into the esophagus.
Taking over the counter medication
You may choose to buy over the counter medication like antacids, which is a treatment of GERD. It will neutralize acid flow into the digestive organs. It should provide temporary relief by combining it with a foaming agent like alginic acid to have better results. Both substances should provide foam barriers on the stomach and prevent acid flow.
To ensure you are getting better treatment for GERD, you may need to consult a doctor for advice. He can prescribe the right medication. He can also give recommendation on the diet to eat and start changing your lifestyle. Following his suggestion should have you healed from the symptoms of GERD, and you can live a healthier life.
About the Author:
GERD is something to watch out for. If you want to know a treatment for GERD, the best suggestion is to have you visit your doctor.

reference :

Foods to Avoid With GERD: Change Your Diet Today

If you suffer from GERD or Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease then you most certainly will want to control your diet, thus it is important to know what foods to avoid with gerd.
It is not particularly difficult to follow a diet for gerd, but if you don't follow it then you are still going to experience the painful symptoms associated with this condition.
Acid reflux is really just one of the symptoms of GERD where the stomach acid moves back up into the esophagus causing considerable discomfort and pain.
Although, I get heartburn on occasion, it has not progressed into gerd since I am able to control the symptoms by watching what I eat. So, now let's take a look at some of the gerd foods to avoid.
Coffee and alcohol are very popular, but they also may stimulate the stomach to produce more acid than normal. Thus, they increase your chances of getting heartburn or acid reflux.
Food such as chocolate and fried or fatty food can cause the lower esophageal sphincter to weaken. This can allow the stomach acid to seep into the esophagus, which causes acid reflux. So, if you have too much stomach acid and your lower esophageal sphincter is weakened, this can increase your chances of getting Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease.
Here are some other foods that can increase the chances of having the symptoms of gerd.
Tomato and tomato products
Spicy Food
Carbonated drinks
Citrus fruit and juice
Keep in mind that not all these foods will adversely affect everyone. But, if you do suffer from excess stomach acid problems then you may need to limit or remove these foods from your diet.
You can also consult with a dietician or nutritionist to help plan a diet that does not contain highly acidic foods or foods to avoid with gerd.
I also found some other useful tips to follow if you have Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease. Many people who suffer from this condition are also overweight. Losing weight will help you improve your overall health in so many areas.
Eat smaller meals. When you eat a large meal it forces the stomach to produce a lot of stomach acid, which in turn can lead to instances of acid reflux. If this happens often, then it increases the chances of developing gerd.
I am not going to preach to anyone about how bad smoking is for you but tobacco products are also not good for gerd sufferers as the lower esophageal sphincter can be weakened by these products.
If you follow a simple plan of which foods to avoid with gerd then you will most likely lessen the symptoms of this condition. Always check with your doctor before starting any diet plan

reference :

Wednesday, August 5, 2015


Gastoesophageal reflux (GERD) is a clinical condition in which contents normally found within the stomach regurgitate back into the esophagus – the tube that leads from the mouth to the stomach. When GERD occurs, stomach contents includes; acid touch (the delicate lining of the esophagus), typically causing a burning sensation in the chest or throat that is commonly known as heartburn or acid indigestion. GERD is a frequent, recurring reflux. Patients typically experience heartburn two or more days a week, despite attempts to treat it and diet modification. GERD affects people of all ages and if untreated can cause potentially serious damage to the esophagus (over time). GERD results from a problem with the lower esophageal sphincter—the circular muscle between the esophagus and stomach that opens and closes when food or liquid is swallowed. If this muscle weakens or does not work properly, acid or bile from the stomach can move back into the esophagus (reflux). When this occurs often, damage to the esophagus can result in GERD.
All of these risk factors for GERD :
  1. Obesity or over weight
  2. Pregnancy
  3. Tobacco cessation or smoking
  4. Drinking alcoholic
  5. Hiatal hernia
  6. Eating certain food such as : chocolate, coffee, spicy food, high fat food content.
  7. Diabetes
  8. Ashma
  9.  Taking certain medicines
  10. Peptic ulcers

Monday, August 3, 2015

Healthy Snacks

It never fails, there’s a pang that hits our stomach around 2:30 or 3:00 in the
afternoon. This little bit of hunger is easily overcome by a healthy snack.
Instead of reaching for those chocolate chip cookies, why not some apple
wedges with a little peanut butter on them? Or, how about a glass of milk or cup
of cottage cheese? You could even grab a handful of nuts. Whole grain
products make good snacks as well. Wheat bread or bagels can make you a
nice little snack to hold you over until dinner.
For the kids, consider having some carrot sticks already peeled and sliced for
them when they come home from school. You could even have a little bowl of
broccoli florets, green peppers and carrots in a bowl with a little side of low fat
salad dressing for dipping. These are much better snacks than Jell-O, Fruit Roll-
Ups, Pop Tarts or candy bars.
Here is a little quick recipe that you can whip up in no time:
1. Can of mandarin oranges
2. Cut up banana
3. Apple
4. Nectarine
5. Strawberries
6. Blueberries
7. Raisins

Mix in the juices from the orange and serve. This is a delicious little fresh fruit
salad that you can use as a snack or even a healthy dessert.
Keeping a bowl of fresh fruit around on the table also encourages you to grab an
apple or orange instead of a handful of M&Ms.
Milk and dairy products are also important. You don’t have to buy the fattiest of
these items either. If you are a whole milk drinker, consider dropping down to
2%. You will be amazed that the taste is very similar to whole milk, but with less
fat. It is also not as watery as skim milk. You can also have some low-fat or
nonfat yogurt, puddings, cheeses and cottage cheese around.
Lunchmeats can also make a great snack. Get some healthy turkey, chicken or
ham. Pregnant women should be sure to warm these up to kill off any bacteria
before eating them, just to be on the safe side. Sandwiches that are made on
whole grain bread with low calorie mustard can be a good snack to hold you
Tuna that is packed in water is the best and very easy to whip up. Peanut butter,
eggs, poultry, nuts and beans make good snacks as well.
You can also pair your fresh fruit with nonfat plain or vanilla yogurt. Add fruit to
cereal or use fresh fruit and juices to make smoothies as a quick snack or
For bagels that are getting a little stale, toast them and spread a little bit of
peanut butter on them. You could also use a low fat cream cheese. Or, slice
them into little thin slices and brush with a little butter. Sprinkle with a little garlic
and bake for 10-12 minutes at 350 degrees. Now you have healthy bagel chips
and you didn’t waste any food.

Planning Healthy Meals

Planning healthy meals can be difficult, especially if you are cooking for a family
who is stuck in a rut of unhealthy meals. With some basic nutrition knowledge,
however, you can have your family eating healthy without them really even
realizing it.
The key to creating healthy meals is to plan. Plan your week’s meals ahead of
time and ensure you have all of the necessary ingredients. Don’t put off
preparing healthy meals because you don’t have a tomato. Plan your meals out
and go grocery shopping. While shopping it is important to get only the foods
that are on your list and stay away from the cookie and ice cream aisles to limit
temptation. This will also allow you to keep your food costs to a minimum
because you are buying less expensive whole foods instead of processed foods.
Huge time savers such as slow cookers and microwaves are also helpful and
everything that comes out of the microwave doesn’t have to be unhealthy. A
slow cooker will allow foods to cook all day while you are at work. When you get
home, you have a delicious and healthy meal waiting for you.
On the weekends you can prepare meals ahead of time and put them in
microwave safe dishes. When you have busy nights such as evenings that are
full of sports games or practices with your children, all you have to do is pop their
healthy meal into the microwave. There are several mircrowavable healthy
meals that you can make at home and save for the rest of the week. These are
also good if you are a single person living alone and have a hard time cooking for
just one person. Divvy up the meals for the rest of the week.
When you are planning meals for the week, create a chart of each day’s meals
and your daily schedule. This will help you decide which days are best for
certain meals. For example, maybe you have time to cook something extra
special on Friday nights, but the rest of the week is so hectic you don’t know if
you are coming or going. You can place those special recipes you have been
wanting to try on Friday and then come up with healthy alternatives for your busy

Effective Steps for Managing Anxiety

Have you ever been in a situation that brought on sweats, rapid heartbeat and shortness of breath? You probably weren’t having a heart attack but an anxiety attack.  If you suffer from anxiety disorders, learning to manage it is the first step to overcoming it.

Anxiety is characterized as extreme reactions to fearful situations.  When someone follows you into a dark alley, those anxious feelings of a racing heartbeat and sweaty palms gives way to heightened senses and a rush of adrenalin that can save your life.  This is the fight or flight syndrome. 

In the case of frequent anxiety, the fearful feelings are dread of a particular situation and not the situation itself.  Getting caught in traffic can cause an anxiety attack over what might happen when you get to work late.  Starting a new job can bring on anxiety attacks.  You don’t know anyone and fear of that unknown can send you into a panic.

Everyone experiences panic or anxiety in small ways.  Like the fight or flight example, it can save your life.  In new situations, we get panicky but when the outcome we fear fails to materialize, the anxiety stops.  For someone with chronic anxiety, this is not the case.

Every situation that brings anxiety is not life-threatening.  More than likely it is an extremely stressful situation that has brought on the anxiety as a way of dealing with it.  Unchecked anxiety of this type can lead to depression.

If you suffer from anxiety attacks on occasion or a more frequent anxiety disorder, there are steps you can take to keep your anxiety under control. 

1. See a professional.  This is always a good first step.  Self-diagnosis of any type of physical or mental condition is unwise and can be dangerous.  A professional psychologist can help you understand your anxiety and prescribe medication or other effective techniques.

2. Get a good night’s sleep.  During the sleep cycle, your body repairs itself.  You feel more rested after several hours of restorative sleep, reaching the REM stage.  Most people need eight hours a night which varies within an hour or two each way.

3. Exercise on a consistent basis.  Exercise helps you to use oxygen more efficiently.  It helps to get more oxygen to the brain.  It also increases focus which may help you see solutions to problems rather than simply worrying about them. 

4. Meditate.  Meditation is more than chanting mantras.  Yoga is an exercise that involves quieting the mind and controlling your breathing.  Simple mediation such as taking 5 minutes to clear your mind everyday can work wonders in the fight against anxiety.

5. Manage the worry.  When you feel your pulse start to quicken, count backwards from ten.  As you count, focus on the situation.  What has actually happened? Resist the urge to read anything more into the situation. 

6. Don’t use alcohol.  You might think that the glass of wine is relaxing your tension but alcohol is a depressant.  In anxious situations you could rely too heavily on it and gain another problem in the process.

7. Find some relaxing activities.  Stress can rob you of your energy.  On a regular basis, do something you like such as gardening, painting, reading or listening to music.  

Anxiety can come into your life at any time.  It’s normal.  When the anxiety becomes frequent you could be at risk for more serious conditions.  If you feel your anxiety is starting to take over your life or increasingly causing you problems, seek professional help immediately.  There is no need to suffer this terrible condition in silence.